Adopting a dog or a cat is a gesture of love
The things you need to know before you take the step of adoption

The A.S.T.A -Associazione Salute e Tutela degli Animali – was born in 1994 and among the fundamental priorities wanted by the founders and present in the statute there is the care of stray and abandoned animals that are rescued and cared for Dogs and cats are given up for adoption for free, of course, as soon as they are ready to be welcomed by a new family.
Aware Adoptions
Every adoption, whether of a dog or cat, is an act of generosity but also an act of extreme responsibility that must be made with the awareness that it is a choice that cannot be dictated by occasional circumstances, but must be valid forever. Whether you prefer a small puppy or large dogs, half-breeds or other dog breeds, taking an animal means taking on a serious, long-term commitment. Adopting a dog from the kennel or from the auction does not change the substance of a choice that cannot be made lightly. The operators and volunteers are always very careful to evaluate well who offers and is willing to adopt an animal “for free”. Those who present themselves with the idea of giving a dog as a gift, or giving a cat as a gift, for example, leave on the wrong foot because an animal can never be considered a “gift” that can be more or less welcome and perhaps in the future given to third parties. Even the factor “I make a surprise” is not a good start to welcome an animal on whose choice and presence in the house must be all involved and agree immediately. An animal is a member of the family and will condition the choices of the other members forever. A dog and a cat, especially if they have already suffered an abandonment, absolutely cannot run the risk of being welcome in a house and in a family for a limited time, with the stress of having to adapt then to new conditions.
The Love Exchange: Do ut Des
But beyond the duties, it is also good to dwell on the joys that life with an animal provides. Every story is a story in itself. And the beauty is that each adoption becomes different, unique and special. A pet always manages to surprise the expectations of those who choose it. And so whoever decides to adopt a needy dog, moved by the noble gesture of giving love, ends up finding himself unable to do without the love he receives from the animal able to bring back a smile or relieve the pain with the gift of Pet Therapy. The famous saying “he who takes the likeness” also applies to pets. A dog always ends up getting along well with its human parents and learning the rules of the family. The gratifications with rewards count more than punishments because the fundamental rule is the exchange of love and the relationship of trust that you can create and establish with your pet.

The Exchange of Love: Do ut Des

But beyond the duties, it is also good to dwell on the joys that life with an animal provides. Every story is a story in itself. And the beauty is that each adoption becomes different, unique and special. A pet always manages to surprise the expectations of those who choose it. And so whoever decides to adopt a needy dog, moved by the noble gesture of giving love, ends up finding himself unable to do without the love he receives from the animal able to bring back a smile or relieve the pain with the gift of Pet Therapy. The famous saying “he who takes the likeness” also applies to pets. A dog always ends up getting along well with its human parents and learning the rules of the family. The gratifications with rewards count more than punishments because the fundamental rule is the exchange of love and the relationship of trust that you can create and establish with your pet.
How to choose an Animal to adopt
Obviously it is not good practice to base the choice of your 4-legged friend on aesthetic parameters. Surely a dog or cat also strikes us for its beauty (which among other things has subjective canons) or sweetness, but it is essential not to be carried away only by the emotion of the moment but to make objective assessments to create the conditions for a lasting coexistence. Often, wrongly, you choose a puppy thinking that he will be able to adapt better. But it is not considered that it requires much time and energy compared to a more adult dog that may already be socialised and educated to stay at home. The first parameters to consider are therefore: sex, age and size depending on the space, environmental conditions and free time you can dedicate to an animal. But unpredictable variables must always be considered. A dog does not always respond perfectly to our expectations. This is why it is important to consider right away whether you are willing to make sacrifices and adapt to the needs of the new family member, especially in the first period. Knowing the character and attitude of the dog or cat is essential even if there are already other animals in the house whose reactions can never be fully predicted. In addition to physical and mental commitment, the economic investment must also be considered, especially if the animal should then have serious health problems that are not always linked to its age. An evaluation that is also good for those who “feel prepared and safe” because they have already had other dogs. As we said, it is always good to keep in mind that every animal and every relationship is a case in itself, for better or for worse!
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For any information, medical, on the adoption of dogs and cats, how to become a volunteer at the Auction